Call for entries: Auto-Nocturne night photography exhibition
Peeled back and shining -- by Joe Reifer
Tim Baskerville of The Nocturnes let me know that entries are now being accepted for Auto-Nocturne, an online exhibit of automotive photography. The Nocturnes online exhibits are a great way to get your work seen, drive traffic to your website, and support an organization that's been dedicated to teaching night photography for almost 20 years.
The jurors for Auto-Nocturne are none other than myself and Troy Paiva! We've seen some jaw dropping junkyard images made during the Pearsonville Night Photography Workshops -- Auto-Nocturne is a great opportunity to look back through your archives and find your 3 (or more) best car photos for this online show. [Auto-Nocturne entry form].
Update: Entry deadline has been extended to September 21, 2010